Monday, January 30, 2006

More photos

Today, Monday, has been spent scanning slides with the film scanner and taking a few town photos on my morning constitutional to get the paper (The Courier Mail if you need to know, it is a Murdoch one).

To get some order into this I went into the archive and looked for slides of African animals for a start; it is easier to deal with one subject at a time. I can also practise finding the latitude and longditude from Google Earth using the various tools one can find out about from the geotagging group. I might be enthused enough to add links to some of these later.

must move on!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

More learning

Well so far I have added a link to the Flickr photos and my email address. More customisation later still!

Panops: Learning and using

Panops: Learning and using

Learning and using

Now I am retired from the coffee making, reporting to the tax-man life led before we moved to 'Sunny Queensland' I must start to use the tools I have. With the 'fast' internet connection there is a world of opportunity.

Currently I am working on the scanning of photos, having got the film scanner up and running. Some results can be seen at for example but there are lots to come.

More later!!